Institutional Investors
We consider institutional investors to be amongst the most savvy buyers of real estate. You stick to the fundamentals and strive to make the right buy decisions for your investors over the long-term. We respect this and want to be your partner in adding value and bottom line returns to your investors.
Certainly, valuations among asset classes present unique challenges. However, we are up to this and continually have our ears to the ground on the capital markets and corresponding investment grade real estate marketplace. We utilize industry standard ARGUS financial modelling software to present information to you accurately and demonstrate insight on valuation fundamentals.
Aside from valuation, if you are involved in a lease dispute or other situation we can also assist. We have experience with conducting market rental studies for lease arbitration, valuations for annual reporting, mortgages, commercial litigation related valuations, etc. Feel free to contact us directly or if you are represented we would be happy to discuss your needs.
We are most often retained in the following asset classes:
Multi-Unit (apartment)
Special Purpose Property
Please see our online Testimonials. We look forward to hearing from you.